About the Journal
Scinary: Science of Information and Library (eISSN: 2963-752X) is a scientific journal managed by the Department of Information and Library Science, Universitas Negeri Padang. This journal is specifically dedicated to providing in-depth insights into topics related to information science and libraries. With a focus on information management, information technology, digital libraries, and other related fields. Scinary provides a valuable platform for researchers and professionals in the field to share the latest research, innovative thinking, and practical experiences

ISSN : 2963-752X
Frequency : Four times a year (March, June, September, December)
Editor in Chief : Rini Asmara
Co-Editor in Chief : Jeihan Nabila
Organized : Departemen Ilmu Informasi dan Perpustakaan
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang
Country : Indonesia
Indexs : Dimension, Crossref, Garuda, Google Scholar and Base
APC : Without Article Publishing Charge