Scinary Departemen Ilmu Informasi dan Perpustakaan en-US Scinary 2963-752X Fenomena Doomscrolling terhadap Informasi Oversharing di Media Sosial pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi Universitas Negeri Padang <p>The purpose of this study is to describe the phenomenon of doomscrolling regarding oversharing information on social media among students in the Library and Information Science Program. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach and employs snowball sampling to determine the informants. Data collection is conducted through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis involves five stages: (1) reading and re-reading, (2) initial analysis, (3) developing emerging themes, (4) finding relationships between themes, and (5) analyzing emerging patterns. The results indicate that students in the Library and Information Science Program spend an average of 3-5 hours per day doomscrolling on social media platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram, with the accessed information being predominantly emotional and personal. The motives for students engaging in doomscrolling of oversharing information are: (1) entertainment motives, (2) informational motives, (3) social motives, and (4) desire-driven motives. The impacts of doomscrolling on oversharing information are: (1) psychological effects, (2) time and concentration on studying, and (3) information evaluation and dissemination.</p> Faunesya Ardoni Copyright (c) 2024 Faunesya, Ardoni 2024-11-14 2024-11-14 2 4 25 32 Pengaruh Program Transformasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Inklusi Sosial Terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat Taman Ilmu Nagari Koto Tinggi <p>The purpose of this study is to describe the influence of the library transformation program based on social inclusion on community satisfaction at Taman Sains Nagari Koto Tinggi Kuranji. This research employs a descriptive quantitative method, with the population consisting of visitors to the Taman Sains Nagari Koto Tinggi library in Padang Pariaman Regency, and a sample of 100 people determined using the Slovin formula. The data collection technique utilized Simple Random Sampling. Data were analyzed using mandatory tests including normality test, correlation test, linearity test, t-test, and coefficient of determination test. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the social inclusion-based transformation program has an effect on community satisfaction at Taman Sains Nagari Koto Tinggi, with the hypothesis test showing a significance value of 0.000 (p&lt;0.05), indicating that variable X (social inclusion) influences variable Y (community satisfaction).</p> Luna Putri Sanda Jeihan Nabila Copyright (c) 2024 Luna Putri Sanda, Jeihan Nabila 2024-11-14 2024-11-14 2 4 1 10 Transformasi Perpustakaan UNP Dalam Mencapai Universitas Negeri Padang Menuju World Class University <p><em>This study aims to describe the physical and non-physical transformation carried out by the State University of Padang (UNP) Library in order to support the university towards world-class university status. The background of this study is that there are some gaps in the contribution of the UNP Library to the vision. The research method used is a qualitative case study with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the UNP Library has carried out various physical and non-physical transformations to improve the quality of services to its users, which significantly contributes to the achievement of State University of Padang's vision of becoming a world-class university. However, there are still some aspects that need to be developed further so that this library can fully meet the indicators as a world-class library.</em></p> Hana Putri Sajida Malta Nelisa Copyright (c) 2024 Hana Putri Sajida, Malta Nelisa 2024-12-13 2024-12-13 2 4 11 16 Literasi Informasi Siswa dalam Pembuatan Tugas Sekolah di SMAN 13 Padang <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan literasi informasi, hasil penerapan literasi informasi dan hasil kemampuan literasi siswa kelas XII MIPA 1 SMAN 13 Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII MIPA 1 SMAN 13 Padang dengan metode sampling jenuh. Instrument yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuisioner. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan kuisioner. Uji validitas dalam penelitian ini merupakan validitas item instrument dari angket dengan metode Kolerasi Pearson. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas XII MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 13 Padang sudah mampu dalam memahami serta menggunakan berbagai sumber dalam literasi informasi dalam mengerjakan tugas sekolah dan mengevaluasi hasil belajar.</p> Salsabila Dinda Pradani Gustina Erlianti Copyright (c) 2024 Salsabila Dinda Pradani, Gustina Erlianti 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 2 4 37 42 Pengetahuan Arsiparis dalam Mengelola Arsip Dinamis Inaktif di Universitas Negeri Padang <p>This study aims to describe the knowledge of archivists in managing inactive dynamic records at the State University of Padang, focusing on their understanding of inactive dynamic records and the records lifecycle. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with purposive sampling for data collection. Data analysis is conducted through three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results indicate a gap between theory and archivists' knowledge, particularly in understanding the concept of inactive dynamic records and its management principles. Archivists exhibit varying levels of understanding regarding the definition and characteristics of inactive dynamic records, as well as the application of centralization and decentralization principles in records management. Additionally, their understanding of the records lifecycle and maintenance procedures does not fully align with existing theories, potentially causing inefficiencies in records management. These findings underscore the importance of enhancing archivists' understanding through training and aligning records management practices with applicable archival standards.</p> Khalid Syuara Ardoni Copyright (c) 2024 Khalid Syuara, Ardoni 2024-11-14 2024-11-14 2 4 32 36 Sikap Kepala Sekolah dan Guru Terhadap Perpustakaan di SDN 01 Belakang Tangsi <p><em>This study aims to describe the attitudes of the school principal and teachers toward the library at SDN 01 Belakang Tangsi. This research is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. The informants were selected using purposive sampling, consisting of seven individuals: one school principal and six teachers. The research instrument used was an interview guideline. Data collection was conducted through interviews, and data analysis was carried out in three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of study show that: First, both the school principal and teachers view the library and librarian as two important elements. Second, the reason the school has not hired a librarian until now is that the BOS (School Operational Assistance) fund cannot cover the libraian’s salary, and approval must be obtained from the BOS of the Education Office. Teachers have informed the principal that many students inquire about the library, and the teachers can only explain to the students that the library is inactive due to the lack of librarian to manage it. Teachers search for teaching references through textbooks, journals on the internet, and sometimes YouTube, while students only search for references through textbooks. Third, both the principal and teachers have taken steps to reactivate the library at SDN 01 Belakang Tangsi by holding a meeting to discuss the library’s reactivation. The principal has proposed to the Education Office regarding the need for a librarian to manage the library. In the meantime, teachers will manage the library by organizing a teacher duty roster until the confirmation from the Education Office regarding the librarian’s position is received.</em></p> Allya Mardilla Putri Ardoni Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 2 4 107 113 Persepsi Pemustaka Terhadap Kompetensi Pustakawan Dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Informasi Di Perpustakaan Institut Teknologi Padang <p><em>This research aims to describe librarians' perceptions of the competence of librarians at the Padang Institute of Technology library based on four indicators: knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes, values, interests and motivation. The type of research used in this research is quantitative with descriptive methods. This research involved 311 respondents, namely 73 student respondents from the class of 2019, 78 respondents from the class of 2020, 80 respondents from the class of 2021, and 80 respondents from the class of 2022 who were selected through proportionate stratified random sampling. from a population of 1430 users. The variable in this research is librarian competency. Based on the data analysis carried out, it shows that there is a user perception of librarian competence with seven indicators with an average of 2.57 in the good/high category.</em></p> Hasnul Mardiah Mufrizah Ardoni Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-03 2024-12-03 2 4 114 122 Implementation of the Teacher's Role as Educator and Librarian at SDN 21 Pasar Pandan Air Mati, Solok City <p>This study aims to identify and describe the role of teachers as educators and librarians at SDN 21 Pasar Pandan Air Mati, Solok City, in three aspects: first, their key role in the curriculum; second, as information specialists; and third, as managers of information services. This research is a qualitative study using a descriptive method. The sampling in this study was conducted using purposive sampling, involving three individuals: two teacher-librarians as the first and second informants, and one school principal as the third informant. Data collection was carried out through interviews. Data analysis techniques were conducted in three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that: first, the key role in the curriculum has been implemented effectively. This is reflected in the collaboration between the principal and teachers to ensure that information literacy receives special attention within the curriculum. Second, the role of teacher-librarians as information specialists in the school facilitates and supports the provision of education using the library for library users. However, library management needs further development to enhance its efficiency for students at the school. Third, as managers of information services, teacher-librarians have not been highly effective in designing and implementing strategies for evaluating the school’s collection. This is partly due to budget constraints, which hinder efforts to meet the library’s needs effectively. While efforts to promote books and a culture of reading have started to show progress, they remain suboptimal. This is primarily because teachers’ main focus and responsibilities lie in their primary role as educators at the school.</p> Putri Oktafiadi Malta Nelisa Copyright (c) 2025 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 2 4 123 135